A downloadable game

May, 17th update: Board is now much simpler (I hope). Also spending souls and gathering them has been simplified a little. I've disabled old version download, new one is available as a sreenshot in the update since uploads are closed while voting is in progress.

Newest version is always available here: https://root.lacony.ru/?page=faction&id=114&print


This time a faction based on sacrifice theme. You need to build altars so you can sacrifice warriors to gain souls. Sacrificed warriors go to spring of rebirth. You can return them or sacrifice some more by removing them from the game, permamently, when in dire need.

This faction also includes powerful action, one-time use ability that can turn the tides of the game in your favor.

As usual, for PnP the ratio is 10px->1mm.

As soon as I come up with the idea for stl's I'll add them here.



ps. I've tried making my own art. Didn't work for months so I decided on AI - all you can see is based on MJ prompts that fully credding Kyle Ferrin and Leder Games with their beloved style.


Back.png 4.6 MB
Tokens.png 124 kB
ADSET.png 395 kB

Development log

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