A downloadable game

They're plague birds that worship Meaty, the Pet Abomination.

Their goal is to build Power stations, gather meat parts either from fallen enemies or sacrificed own comrades. As soon as they gathered enough, they can summon Meaty. He'll require upkeep to be able to stay on board and also is kinda unpredictable, since he's still a little one. They're doing what they can, so they need to program him with action cubes that are put in Meaty's programming module.

For ones who want to print this: the px to mm ratio is 10:1 so whole board is 2870:2150 pixels. Cube slots are 8mm wide so roughly half the size of normal root building. 

I'm also includings STLs for others like me that don't like proxies ;) I've printed them successfuly on Bambulab x1c with multicolor. Big one is printed blank, I used cut sticker for better details. Cubes are hollow inside if you'd like me want to make them magnetic.



ps. I've tried making my own art. Didn't work for months so I decided on AI - all you can see is based on MJ prompts that fully credding Kyle Ferrin and Leder Games with their beloved style.


Front.png 3.6 MB
Back.png 4.4 MB
ADSET.png 402 kB
Tokens.png 114 kB
GC_STLs.zip - stls: cube, warrior, meaty 213 kB
Meaty_2.png - to cut sticker for the big one 561 kB

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